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Welcome to the Activities Department!


Students can enroll in the YHS Clubs and Student Activities course in Canvas for information, or visit the Student Activities Office in room 109.

Student activities are a way to explore new interests, meet new people, and have fun or be with friends. Activities are a valuable educational tool as well. From interscholastic sports to music, drama and debate, activities enrich a student’s high school experience. Students who participate in activity programs tend to have higher grade-point averages, better attendance records, lower dropout rates and fewer discipline problems than students generally. Participation in high school activities is often a predictor of later success – in college, career and becoming a contributing member of society.

All students are encouraged to participate in Yorktown’s varied student clubs and activities, including Student Government, academic clubs, classroom-based activities, social, service and performing arts activities, and sports. Students may join groups throughout their high school years and usually may join at any time during the school year. However, most groups organize in the Fall. Students should see the club or activity sponsor about joining.

To initiate a new club, students should first review the active club list in Canvas to determine if a similar club has already been approved. A current Yorktown faculty/staff member must sponsor the club and supervise all meetings and activities. A Club Charter application is completed by the student leader through Canvas and submitted with all necessary information for approval. Once approved, club members may advertise meetings through flyers, the Dailies, and the Activities Fair held in September.

Club Charter

To initiate a new club, students should first check the active clubs in Canvas or current list on the school website to determine if a similar club has already been approved.A Club Charter application is completed by the student leader and submitted with all necessary signatures to the Student Activities Office for approval. In a virtual environment, email addresses for members and sponsors should replace signatures. Once approved, club members may advertise meetings through flyers, the Dailies, and the Activities Fair held in the Fall.A current Yorktown faculty/staff member must sponsor the club and supervise all meetings and activities.


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Michael Krulfeld

Heather Sutphin

Assistant Director of Student Activities


Mary Ann Mahan

Administrative Assistant
