
Assess & Evaluate

Flubaroo (

This tool aids instructors by quickly grading online assignments created with Google Forms. It also provides reporting and analysis on the grades, and allows the instructor to email each student their grade.

Gnowledge (

Gnowledge is a free-to-use education platform where everyone can create, publish, share and take tests, exercises and assignments.

Goobric (

Goobric allows for rubric-based grading of Google Drive resources (Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Folders, etc.).

Poll everywhere (

Poll Everywhere is the world’s largest realtime web, SMS, and Twitter polling service that lets users submit votes or comments to a PowerPoint or Keynote slide.

Readability Score (

Copy-paste text into this website, and you’ll be given an evaluation of its difficulty in reading. This can be tremendously helpful in crafting accessible materials for students that are developmentally appropriate.

Surveymonkey (

Enables you to create professional online surveys quickly, easily, and for free.