
Internet Filtering – Staff

APS has acceptable use policies and email etiquette policies with which all employees should become familiar.  Virginia law requires that APS filter its Internet services.  APS has an informed process through its division-wide Filtering Committee to evaluate sites and determine those sites to which access is permitted.

It is not appropriate for employees to circumvent those filters without prior approval or to use personal computing devices, personal laptops or cell phones on school grounds to access sites, such as Facebook, that are not available through the APS network.  We expect that all employee Internet and computer use is undertaken to further the instructional process and that personal use is irregular and negligible.

As part of school/office-related duties, employees must use their official school-provided email address when contacting students or parents via the Internet. When using an APS email account, the content of the email should be related to school matters and/or instructional issues.  Sensitive or confidential information should not be exchanged via email.

Cell phone use and texting in the classroom, during instructional time, or when students are present is not appropriate except in the case of an emergency or when given permission from the teacher or administrator.  If family and friends need to contact you during work hours, please ask them to contact you through the office.

All employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with safe Internet practices (