Yorktown High School Laptop Collection Information
Arlington Public Schools has provided you with technological resources to support your learning inside and outside the classroom while enrolled in the district. As we approach the end of the school-year, seniors and withdrawing students are required to turn in any technological device (MacBook Air and charger, wireless hotspot, etc.) that was loaned to you while enrolled in Arlington Public Schools. Please read the information below carefully.
Preparing Your MacBook for Turn-In
Save all of your files and work to an external device, such as a flash drive. Save everything that is saved directly on your computer, everything in your Google Drive, everything saved in OneDrive (Office 365), and on any Arlington Public Schools network drive. Once you have saved your work, sign out of iCloud if you are signed in. You may find the two links helpful as you save your files.
- Google Takeout: https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout
- Backup your Mac: https://support.apple.com/mac-backup
A few other items to keep in mind:
- Remove any exterior cases or stickers that have been added to the device.
- Clean the entire laptop. A wrung-out disinfectant wipe works well.
Laptop Turn-In
All seniors and withdrawing underclassmen are required to turn in their working laptops, chargers and all loaned technological resources (charger, hotspots, etc.) in end of their final school year. Information regarding Laptop Turn-In will come from a central office communication from Information Services.