
Install a Home Printer

Installing a Home Printer

How to give your MacBook Air Permission to Install a Home Printer

In order to install a home printer, you first need to give your computer permission to install a printer.  Here is how you can do that…

1.) Open the “App Catalog” – square blue icon with white down arrow in the bottom right corner of your dock. Open the App Catalog
2.) Scroll down to “Printers – Allow Students to Install – App Catalog” and click “Install“. Click "Install" on "Printers - Allow Students to Install - App Catalog"
3.) Click “Install” again on “Printers – Allow Students to Install – App Catalog Click "Install" again on "Printers - Allow Students to Install - App Catalog"

4.) Let this run for about 20 minutes.

5.) Restart your computer and install your printer using your own credentials.

Please note: Yorktown and APS only provide permission, we cannot provide individual guidance on installing personal printers.

If you are not successful after you complete the steps above….

  1. Go back to the App Catalog and start over at #1 above, it may take longer to push down the program depending on your connectivity.
  2. If the above directions do not work your next step is to visit us during EdTech Office Hours or Schedule a time that works best for you.