
Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)

Child Development

Child Development prepares students for future family life and careers related to early childhood.  Student engage in practical application of what they learn (i.e. developmental domains, nutrition, literacy) by planning activities for and working with young children.  Students explore ages and stages of development, child development theory, health and nutrition, and parenting styles and practices.  Woven throughout the course is the instruction of Workplace Readiness Skills, which students receive through direct instruction, project-based activities, and hands-on experience in the preschool lab.  Students also engage in relevant career exploration throughout the year.

Food & Fitness

Course Description

A sequential course in the development of nutrition and food concepts and competencies designed to help prepare students to make choices that promote good health and acquire knowledge and experience in nutrition, menu planning, use of equipment, resource management and basic to advanced food preparation skills.

Make up Policy

During food preparation labs, students will practice skills and concepts learned throughout the week. If you must be absent there are three ways to make up a missed lab. Make up work must be turned in within one week of the missed lab for full credit.

  1. You may make the lab recipe at home.Makeup/Extra Credit Form
  2. Read an article from the Food Section of the Washington Post and write at minimum a 2 paragraph summary.
  3. Watch a show on the Food Network and write a 2 paragraph summary relating it to something we’ve learned in class.


Career PowerPoint Template

Career Google Docs Template

France Webquest

Final Exam

Interior Design & Fashion Design

Int/Fashion SyllabusSupply List for CourseInterior Design Sample PortfolioThis course focuses on the elements and principles of design, as they relate to housing and interiors, as well as fashion.

  • In Interior Design we explore color theory, design vocabulary, decision-making skills as they apply to housing, and the development of artistic skills.
  • In Fashion Design, aspects of the apparel and textile industry will be explored through garment design and construction.  Workplace readiness skills and careers related to design will be explored.

Teachers for Tomorrow

This class is designed to invite our interested high school seniors to examine the teaching profession; and as a result, choose a career in education.  Others may become education advocates and future parents, who will be well informed about schooling.  For further information about the program visit .

FASC Staff

Julia Hawkins

Danielle Harrell

Assistant Principal

undefined Chan

Administrative Assistant