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Volunteering at Yorktown High School

At Yorktown HS, Ms.Eileen Wagner serves as the Yorktown Liaison for APS Volunteers and Partnerships program and Mr. Mike Krulfeld is our program administrator.  Please consider volunteering at YHS.  The APS Volunteer and Partnership program consists of:

  • Volunteers
    • help enrich education programs by mentoring students or assisting with activities that enhance instruction and promote learning.
    • are unpaid individuals who donate time on an ongoing basis.
    • Volunteers are required to complete APS online application and Safe Schools training (30 minutes).
  • Chaperones
    • are parents or family members who provide support for field trips at their child’s school but aren’t looking for longer-term volunteer opportunities.
    • Chaperones are required to complete online application and Safe Schools training (30 minutes).
  • Visitors
    • Participate once in school activities and events such as Career Day, Science Fair, Voter Registration, Guest Speaker, etc.
    • One- time Visitors are not required to complete application nor Safe Schools training.