Academic Integrity Statement and Consequences
Yorktown students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity, honesty, and responsibility in their academic work. The following actions are prohibited:
- Plagiarism = To plagiarize is “(1) to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own; (2) to use (a created production) without crediting the source; (3) to commit literary theft; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.” Source: Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
- Cheating = To cheat is to give or receive answers without permission of the teacher; to copy assignments, imagery or tests from others; or to look at the tests, homework, classwork, teacher materials, and/or similar assignments of others.
- Misuse of Artificial Intelligence (AI) = To use any software that generates or revises content for an assignment / assessment without the consent of the teacher (e.g. ChatGPT).
Consequences aligned to PIP J.7.4-3b (BAP3)*
- First Offense (Classroom Responses) =
- Student will complete a mandatory rewrite/retake of a similar assessment. Teacher will reteach or model desired behavior with practice as appropriate.
- Teacher will notify parents of incident and rewrite/retake opportunity.
- Teacher will report to an administrator for awareness to enable administrator to track incidents between different classes for the possibility that it is a repeat offense.
- Once the student completes the rewrite/retake, the student will receive the new score.
- Other consequences may be applied such as a student writing an apology letter.
- Repeat Offenses (Level 1 Responses) =
- Student will complete a mandatory rewrite/retake of a similar assessment. Teacher will reteach or model desired behavior with practice as appropriate.
- Teacher will notify parents of the incident and rewrite/retake opportunity and an administrator of repeat offense. A restorative conference including the teacher, student, administrator and/or counselor will be arranged to discuss the repeated concern regarding academic integrity.
- Student will be assigned to after-school detention (length to be increased for repeated offenses after the second offense) by administrator. This time may be used for the rewrite/retake.
- Once the student completes the rewrite/retake, the teacher may penalize by up to 10% on formative assessments.
- Additional consequences may be given as appropriate by administrator.
*Dual Enrolled courses must comply with NVCC grading policies for NVCC grades.