It is mandatory to pass two years of physical education and health to graduate from high school. Each physical education unit is worth 100 total points. Your grade in physical education will be based on a daily grade, a written grade, a skills grade, and a fitness grade. The following provides a breakdown of how the grade for each category will be determined, as well as how each category is weighed. (The swim unit is the only P.E. unit for which the daily grade may constitute the entire unit grade. Grading guidelines for health will be distributed by each individual teacher.)
- Daily Grade
This constitutes 70% – 90% of your grade for a P.E. unit. You will begin each unit with 70–90 points; therefore your actions determine if you lose points. Points will be deducted from your grade for the following: failure to make up excused absences/non-participation days (see make-up policy), being late to class causing you to miss participation, not being prepared for class, not participating, and actions that are detrimental to the learning environment of others (i.e. bad language). If you are in class, dressed appropriately and participate 90% or more of the time you will receive an A for your daily grade. If you were to do the above 80% of the time you will receive a B for your daily grade, etc. For example: Given a 15-day unit a student would have to be in class, dressed appropriately, and participate at least 13 days (90% of the time) to earn an A for their daily grade.Excused non-dress/non-participation days and excused absences must be made up – see make up policy document; failure to do so will result in these days being treated as unexcused non-participation days (see above).
- Written Grade
A written test may be given for each unit and could constitute 10% (10 points) of your grade for the unit.
- Skills Grade
A skills test may be given for each unit and could constitute 10% (10 points) of your grade for the unit.
- Fitness Grade
The fitness grade constitutes 10% (10 points) of your grade for the unit. This grade will be determined by effort during warm-up and cool-down, and fitness tests given throughout the unit. The timing and number of such tests may vary by unit and/or individual teacher. There are two to three units per quarter. You will receive a grade for each of these units; these grades will be averaged together to determine your final grade for the quarter. If a teacher chooses to weigh any of the above categories differently it will be announced prior to that specific unit. At the end of the school year, there may be a final exam/culminating activity worth no more than 10% of your final grade. Students with an “A” average for the course may be exempt from the final exam.
Note: An “A” means that you are performing in a superior manner for this course, well above average in preparation, participation, effort, and cooperation.
Student grades reflect student achievement and not student behavior.