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Yorktown Advanced Academics (formerly Gifted Services)

Delivery Of Services

Gifted students need opportunities to think abstractly, work at various rates and levels of complexity, and pursue tasks independently. In addition, students eligible for gifted services need opportunities to learn with others of like abilities, as well as opportunities to develop socio-emotionally. APS Advanced Academics and Talent Development is implemented through school-based and countywide activities, which comply with School Board and State objectives. These school-based services are delivered in the following ways:

  • APS Advanced Academics and Talent Development collaborative resource model, in which the classroom teacher works with the Advanced Academics Coach (AAC) to develop and present appropriately differentiated learning experiences for gifted students within the general education classroom.
  • In the general education classroom setting, identified students are cluster-grouped (minimum of 5 – 8) and through a variety of flexible groupings based on ongoing data.
  • Identified students work with teachers who are specifically trained in instructional needs of and curriculum written for gifted students.
  • Specific curricula which are differentiated or extended from concepts in the general education curriculum, and when appropriate, through opportunities for acceleration and extension.

APS Advanced Academics Opportunities for HS Students (Spanish)

Classroom Teacher’s Role and Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with the AAC to provide differentiated curriculum, extension opportunities, and supplemental curriculum resources.
  • Plan units and lessons to meet the learning needs of students identified for gifted services.
  • Coordinate instructional needs of all learners in the classroom.
  • Keep open communication with AAC regarding students that may need to be screened for gifted services.

AAC Roles and Responsibilities

  •  Collaborate and co-plan with teachers
  • Extend and deepen student learning through higher level discussion, rich content, and high expectations
  • Provide supplemental resources
  • Model lessons, co-instruct, or facilitate lessons
  • Coaching best practices instructional strategies (i.e. APS k-12 Critical Thinking Strategies)
  • Facilitate book clubs and extension projects
  • Promote differentiation practices throughout the school
  • Manage gifted and talented screening process and evaluation
  • Facilitate professional development for teachers

Student Learning Opportunities: Pre- College, Summer & School Year Enrichment

YHS Extracurricular Academic & Fine Arts Clubs, Honor Societies 2023-2024

ExtracurricularAcademic & Fine Arts Clubs, Honor Societies@YHS 2023-2024

Want more info?YHS Activities Canvas Page:https://apsva.instructure.com/enroll/3EPME7

YHS Activities webpage:https://yhs.apsva.us/activities/activities-overview/

Club/ Society Sponsor Room
Math Club Mr. Daniel 315
Robotics Club Ms. Farzinfard 274
Data Science Club Ms. Farzinfard 274
Computer Science Club & Technology Students Association (TSA) Ms. Farzinfard 274
Young Economists Club Mr. Dabney 355
eSports (VA High School League) Mr. Olsen 264
Urban Agriculture Club Ms. Castellano 129
Women in STEM Club Ms. Wright 371
STEM Club Mr. Schuetz 203
Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) See your Science Teacher
Environmental Club Mr. Brown 366
Aerospace Club Mr. Mower 219
Urban Agriculture Club Ms. Castellano 129
Yorktown Rescues Ms. Akpata 378
Community Impact Club Ms. Akpata 378
Junior Classical League (JCL) Mr. Hochberg,  Ms. McHugh 231
Book Club Ms. Wiedemann 249
Chess Club Mr. Wiltshire 248
Art Club Ms. Stroik 116
Sequential Art Club Ms. Stroik, Mr. Vasilakos 116
Clay Club Ms. Walchak 114
Anime & Manga Club Mr. Barkan 268
A Capella Group Ms. Mullins 180
Dungeon & Dragons Club Ms. Covington 300
Model United Nations Mr. J. Klein 251
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Ms. Straley 267
Theater One Act (VA High School League) Ms. Kravitz 172
Speech & Debate (VA High School League) Ms. D. Jones 127
Scholastic Bowl (VA High School League) Mr. Obetts 250
Model General Assembly Mr. Gibson 249
French Honor Society Ms. Berger 233
Spanish Honor Society Mr. Glasier 340
Tri-M Music Honor Society Mr. Witkowski 177
National Honor Society Ms. Mullins, Ms. Mahan 109

Additional Summer Opportunities

Yorktown Scholars

Yorktown High School recognizes students’ academic rigor and achievement as Yorktown Scholars.  The purpose is to recognize students at graduation who have completed and performed well in college level courses (Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment) during their years at Yorktown High School.

  • Coursework and Grade requirements: :  Students are required to complete at least 6 college level courses and earn final grades of B or higher in all classes (with a one- time exception of a C or C+ final grade in one class).   All students who meet the coursework and grade requirements will be recognized as a Yorktown Scholar at their graduation ceremony through the wearing of an honor cord.
  • Changes for 2024-2025: Given the addition of the Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma to the YHS Program of Studies, Yorktown Scholars recognition will no longer be awarded to students.


Arlington Public Schools Advanced Academics & Talent Development