Ginelle Ferraro, Public Health Nurse, 703-228-5391
Bernadette Ferdinando, School Health Aide, 703-228-5390
Ginelle Ferraro, Public Health Nurse, 703-228-5391
Bernadette Ferdinando, School Health Aide, 703-228-5390
Clinic staff will contact the student’s parent or guardian, or in some situations, a designated, “emergency contact”, if a parent or guardian cannot be reached. That person must give verbal consent for the student to leave school. The student will wait in the clinic until the person comes to the attendance office. Then attendance office staff will call the clinic and the student will be sent there.
Students with limited mobility due to injury, etc.
Some students are allergic to nuts, shellfish and/or other foods. Some students are allergic to bee stings, or latex, etc. Exposure to an allergen may cause a life-threatening reaction. S&S: rash, skin flushed, dry cool, clammy; swelling of affected areas, face, tongue, neck; breathing difficulty, wheezing, gurgling or high pitched sounds; increased heart rate and weak pulse. If a reaction occurs, stay with the student, notify the clinic or escort there.
If a seizure occurs, stay calm, keep calm, begin timing seizure. Watch the student closely, and, if necessary, guide the student to the floor. Keep the student safe – remove harmful objects, don’t restrain, protect head. If possible, place a cushion or blanket under the head. Then gently turn the student onto their side, if not awake, keep airway clear, do not wedge anything in the student’s mouth. Notify the clinic. Stay with the student until stable.
Warning signs of low blood sugar:
Notify clinic. If the student can swallow some form of sugar (juice, candy) give immediately. Remain with student until clinic staff arrive or escort to clinic.
Consider special seating for students with hearing loss. Have ear with best hearing toward the voice of the teacher.
This will help eliminate the spread of all communicable disease. Students and staff should NEVER touch or attempt to clean up vomit or body fluids. This should be left to custodial staff who are specially trained in the clean up procedure.
If a student is bleeding to the extent that intervention is necessary, the student should apply direct pressure to the wound. Use gloves if help is needed. Always wash hands after contact.
When planning school field trips always consult with clinic staff/parent(s) concerning students with above conditions.