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Business, Engineering & Computer Science

Business, Engineering & Computer Science

Business and Information Technology, Computer Science, and Marketing courses provide students with industry-based skills in business, information technology, finance, administration, economics, entrepreneurship, management, computer applications, and international business. The courses are designed to benefit students who are planning further college study, planning a combination of college and employment, or planning full-time employment immediately after high school. For descriptions of high school classes, go to APS HS CTE Courses.

Career & Technical Education

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 18 of the 20 fastest growing occupations within the next decade will require Career and Technical Education. Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses in Arlington County Public Schools (APS) are made up of eight program areas:

  • Business and Information Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Health and Medical Sciences
  • Marketing
  • Military Science
  • Technology Education
  • Trade and Industrial Programs

Career and Technical Education courses help students learn the technical applications of many occupations while they prepare for higher education or entry-level employment. Credits earned in CTE courses satisfy the Fine and Practical Arts requirement for graduation. CTE courses are open to all students, regardless of sex, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, or location of the offering.Students have many choices beyond high school: college, immediate employment, attend school part-time and work part-time, the military, or training programs. Deciding what direction to pursue after high school involves knowing themselves and understanding their interests, talents, and abilities. Frequently, career options are unfamiliar territory for students considering life after high school.APS counselors and CTE teachers have information and resources to help students identify their career interests and help set them on the right education and training path to their chosen occupation or career.The Arlington Career Center is an integral part of each Arlington high school. Its purpose is to provide educational experiences in the areas of occupational exploration, career preparation, and enrichment to those students desiring to benefit from a hands-on learning style. Career Center faculty assist students in job placement upon successful completion of their program. Students attending the Career Center must allow an extra period for travel time.

Technology Education

Technology Education & Trade and Industrial courses are elective programs offered at all high schools and satisfy the required Fine and Practical Arts credit. Students enrolled in these programs can participate in internships and have job shadowing experiences, obtain industry certifications, and several of these courses qualify students to receive advanced placement credit with Northern Virginia Community College.For more information and course listings in APS, go to APS HS CTE Courses


Marlon Telleria

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Laura Porter

Assistant Principal
