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Dropbox (dropbox.com)

Cloud file storage service.

Drive (drive.google.com)

Cloud file storage service, natively paired with other Google apps.

Qr stuff (qrstuff.com)

Free QR code generator and QR code online creator.

Jumpshare (jumpshare.com)

Jumpshare is a free service to share any number of photos, videos, docs, music and code fast, and view over 200 file formats online.

Educlipper (educlipper.net)

eduClipper lets you explore, share, and contribute the best educational content for teaching and learning. Clip anything, Share everything!

Doctopus (tinyurl.com/dl-doct)

Doctopus gives teachers the ability to mass-copy (from a starter template), share, and manage grading and feedback for student projects in Google Drive.