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Installing Printers

Install Printers on MacBooks

  1. In the dock, located “Network Location.” It likely looks like a blue square with an “H” in it.
  2. Click “Add Printers.”
  3. Under “Connect as:” select the “Registered User” radio button.
  4. In “Name,” delete whatever is there and type your OneLogin user name.
    1. For staff, this is firstname.lastname.
    2. For students, this is your Student ID number.
  5. In “Password,” type your OneLogin password.
  6. Do not check the box that says “Remember this password in my keychain.”
  7. Click “Connect.” The folder “APS Mac Printer Installers” will appear.
  8. Navigate to the “Yorktown” folder and expand it by clicking the gray arrow on the left.
  9. Locate the printer you wish to install and double-click it.

Click here for instructions on how to print your locked job when you reach the copier.

Manually Adding an IP Printer to Macbooks

If the desired printer isn’t listed or the above instructions do not pertain to you, first obtain the IP address and the Model of the printer. (You can find a list of this information for Yorktown printers on the Printer Status page or on the label affixed to all Yorktown printers.) Next, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the Apple in the upper-left hand corner
  2. Click System Preferences
  3. Click Printers & Scanners
  4. Click the + icon in the bottom left corner of the list of printers
  5. Click the IP button at the top
  6. Enter the IP Address in the Address box
  7. Wait for the small spinning wheel at the bottom to finish and display the name of the printer
  8. Click Add